Fully integrated system payroll and human resources management
quickly find records
Flexible User Access settings
alerts through SMS and e-mail notification
reports can be exported
can integrate Biometrics
- Supports complete process of recruitment from manpower requisition to job application to hiring.
- Can notify applicant through SMS text message about the status of application and schedule for the next stage of recruitment process.
- Provides excellent tools in managing employees from recruitment to employment to retirement.
- Provides web portal for on-line job application.
- Through its flexible settings, any criteria for evaluation, testing and interview can be accommodated
- Monitoring for performance evaluation, development and disciplinary action of employees.
- Track changes on employee such as salary increment, promotion, branch transfer etc.
- Generation and monitoring of Employee Memo.
- Automatic generation and monitoring of Employment Contract.
- Can automatically generate Employment Certificate and Endorsement letter for employees.
- Pop-up notification for employees whose contract or probation period will expire within number of days specified on system setting.
- Pop-up notification for employees subject for suspension due to habitual tardiness. User can automatically generate disciplinary action.
- Through its Device Setting, all timekeeping devices available in the market can be supported instantly without customization
- Using Time Slot settings, any work schedule and shifting of employees can be accommodated.
- Can accommodate schedule change on short notice.
- All logs of each employee from all devices can be viewed.
- Automatically calculates overtime, under time, absences and tardiness.
- Can automatically generate reports/data to be submitted to government such as BIR Alphalist, 1604CF,2316, SSS R3, PhilHealth Premium Certificate.
- Can generate bank text, transmittal list and authority to debit letter.
- Provides web-based transaction entry, viewing and approval for leave, overtime, loan, pay slips, logs, and other transactions that can be accessed using any internet enabled devices such as mobile, tablet, laptop, desktop from anywhere in the world. Option to enter on desktop/client-server application is also available.
- Monitoring on government deduction remittances.
- Support employees paid by piece rate i.e. production quantity.
- Employees can file Leave Application through SMS.
- Support multi-level confidentiality in 201 file. i.e. only authorized users can view salaries of executives.
- User defined settings for
- Multi-Company set-up
- Multi-Branch set-up
- Unlimited Allowance types
- Can specify whether allowance is taxable or not, deminimis or non-deminimis. o Can specify whether allowance is fixed or based on number of days worked.
- Tardiness and absences can also be deducted
- Can set formula to calculate each allowance type.
- Payroll period to pay each allowance type can be specified
- Unlimited Leave Types
- Can specify annual leave credits.
- Remaining leave credits for the year can be converted to cash or be forwarded to next year. Option to reset to zero is also available.
- Can enter additional leave credits on demand. For instance an employee can be granted with 1 day leave as compensation for blood donation.
- Holidays
- User can specify whether holiday is for a particular branch only e.g. Pasig Day or for the whole company such as Christmas Day, New Year etc.Loan can be amortized until paid completely or continuously be paid during employee’s tenure similar to employee’s fund.Can postpone payment until specified date.
- Unlimited Loan Types
- Unlimited Employment Status
- Can specify whether employee is contractual, probationary, regular etc.
- Unlimited Payroll Period
- Can specify total working days per period
- Can specify period to deduct for SSS,PhilHealth,PAG-IBIG and Withholding tax.
- SSS, PhilHealth and Tax tables is open for modification. No need to call us for amendments on government deduction.
- Wage Types
- Can specify whether employee’s salary is daily or fixed monthly. o Can specify whether employee is minimum wage earner or not.
- Unlimited Employment Status
- Minimum wage and ECOLA for each region can be defined.
- Support for deminimis benefits, other income and other deduction.
- Flexible formula in calculating withholding tax, government deductions, 13th month pay and bonus pay.
- Can handle employees under Employment Agencies.
- Can be easily linked to any existing ERP or Accounting System.
- – Flexible policies for tardiness, absences and overtime.
- Supports night shift differential.
- Can specify minimum and maximum number of hours for overtime.
- With grace period on tardiness.
- Can specify penalty on tardiness.
- Can specify equivalent number of minutes for tardiness like 15 minutes tardiness equals to 60 minutes tardiness.
- View inventory real time reporting
- Manages stock levels
- Track sales orders and back orders
- Autobuilds inventory from other items in stock
- Negative Inventory Management
- Customises invoice & credit notes
- Creates quotes
- Customises inventory item price levels and quantity breaks
- Creating purchase orders from a sales quote or order
- Handles multiple currencies